It is our responsibility to keep our Border Collie’s weight under control, but weight gain can be a symptom of hidden problems. It is usually our fault with overzealous feeding and an inability to resist the look of longing your Border Collie gives you when it wants a treat. Weight gain in Border Collies is a very serious issue.
Puppies and Border Collies are much like people in that their weight can fluctuate at different times in their lives. Obviously a Border Collie puppy is going to gain weight as it grows to maturity, but in an adult Border Collie that gains weight it can cause dangerous illnesses if not kept under control.
You need to monitor your Border Collie’s body condition as it matures....
The problem with being a few kilograms overweight is that it soon leads to a lot more if not managed. An overweight Border Collie is at risk of developing problems with their skeletal, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems.
If your Border Collie is piling on the kilograms, the most common cause is overfeeding and a lack of exercise. It may be a good idea to take your Border Collie to the vet for a check-up to make sure there are no underling causes behind the weight gain, such as metabolic changes, illness, aging, and injury. These are all things that need medical attention to help manage your Border Collie’s condition.
Weight gain is most commonly caused by humans feeding their Border Collies too much and not enough exercise. Here are some simple tips to manage your Borser Collie’s weight gain:
Your Border Collie will be sluggish if it is overweight so it may be tough getting it out for a walk. Start with short walks and gradually lengthen them as your Border Collie gets more energy and starts to lose weight.
If your Border Collie still has trouble exercising, or if your dietary methods are not working, make sure there is no other reason behind the weight gain.
Obesity is the biggest problem among Border Collies and around 25 percent of Border Collies visiting vets are overweight. The best cure for obesity is to prevent it in the first place. Obesity has the potential to kill your Border Collie.
Obesity in a Border Collie is defined as Border Collie having an accumulation of body fat 20 percent or more above the ideal body weight. Border Collies in this category have fatty deposits in their spine, thorax, at the base of the tail, legs and neck.
It is a well known fact that Border Collies fed to maintain a lean body weight tend to live longer.
We get so used to seeing our Border Collies every day that we can be oblivious to the fact they are putting on weight. Here are some things to help you check if your Border Collie is obese:
If you understand how your Border Collie should look in at an ideal body weight, it makes it easier for you to recognise discernable weight gain.
There are a lot of reasons for obesity, and it comes down to your Border Collie eating more food than it burns off. But there are other reasons including:
If your Border Collie is overweight, make sure you see your vet before making any drastic changes to your Border Collie’s feeding regime. Check to make sure there are no medical reasons for the weight gain and ask for your vet’s guidance for putting your Border Collie on a diet.
You vet will help you with a new feeding schedule to help you reduce your Border Collie’s weight in a consistent way.
The best thing for your Border Collie is to make sure it does not become obese. Prevention is much better than a cure. Try the following tips to prevent an obese Border Collie: